CSP / ASP Exam Preparation – Ask Your Questions | 2021

Preparing yourself for CSP / ASP exams could be a confusing task. BCSP only provides Exam Blueprint showing needed skills and Knowledge and reference materials that need a long time to read them all.

BCSP’s certifications don’t have a certain curriculum that one can study but a bundle of skills, information, and work experience.
Certified SH&E practitioners have met rigorous educational, experience, and examination requirements, as defined by a qualified and independent certification body, necessary for the protection of worker safety and health.
4 E’s: Education, Experience, Examination and Ethics
Competency assessment includes -Education -Experience – Validating knowledge and capacity through evaluation.
Certificate = a document declaring that one has fulfilled requirements and was in attendance. i.e.: a snapshot in time -Example: at the end of a seminar or class, a participant receives a certificate that verifies you attended this event.
Certification = credential of the safety professional -To get a certification, you must pass a test that validates your knowledge – BCSP exams are developed BY safety professionals, FOR safety professionals -Is ongoing; requires continuing education (recertification requirements).
We highly recommend attending The Ultimate CSP / ASP Exam Preparation FREE Tutorial to have complete knowledge about those certification’s blueprint and how to learn, study, and practice to pass the Exam. Also, you will have access to trial lessons or live sessions for our PREMIUM preparation membership.
After completing the ultimate course , You can post here any questions you need to know.